“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are”

- Carl Jung

Let’s work together on your journey to YOU!

Thank you for inviting me to be an ally and guide on your Hero’s Journey!

Dream your new dream into reality and have lasting change

in alignment with your unique purpose!

  • Integrate fragmented visionary insights into a new sense of wholeness and wellbeing

  • Anchor your vision Into daily life with interpretation, imagery and mindset work

  • Empower with Emotional Power Integration and somatic and nervous system awareness

  • Take action to live a life you love in alignment with your True self and purpose

Crystalized Radiance!

Creative and Integrative coaching package custom designed for you:

3 month package

In this three month personalized plan, I will guide you to integrate the insights and new awareness that you bring back from your expanded state of consciousness to emerge fully at Home in your True Self. You will be guided to integrate fragmentary insights into a cohesive understanding of your personal story. Through shadow work and emotional integration processes you will be able to let go of past limitations and return home to your True Self with clarity and have lasting transformation.

  • 1.5 hour jump start coaching session (by phone or via Zoom)

  • Six (6) private 1 hour coaching sessions sessions (by phone or via Zoom) two calls per month for three months)

  • Pre-recorded visualizations

•  Journal workbook with exercises to support your process and goals

  • One (1) Personal custom visualization recorded for you

  • Email coaching support between sessions

6 month package

This six month personalized plan will be designed for your total transformation to become fully activated in your True Self! We will start with the return home integration process, shadow work and emotional integration and expand that to include further integration of the cosmic forces. We will delve deeper into creative visualization, dream/vision interpretation and mindset coaching. To be crystalized means to have integrated and polished the facets of your True Self with the creative freedom to be be a unique individual; whole, empowered and activated to shine in your unique purpose!

  • 1.5 hour jump start coaching session (by phone or via Zoom)

  • Twelve (12) private 1 hour coaching sessions sessions via  phone or via Zoom (two calls per month for six months)

  • Pre-recorded visualizations

•   Other exercises and tools to support your goal including journal workbook

  • Two (2) Personal custom visualization recorded for you

  • Email coaching support between sessions

To get started, book your Free Purpose Breakthrough Session today, where we will meet 1:1 and discuss how to bring your purpose to life:

Awaken your limitless, true self. Let’s access your inner wisdom so you can let go of past limitations and create a life you love.

“Shadow work is the path of the heart warrior.”

-Carl Jung